When you’re designing your doggie daycare, it’s imperative to understand exactly what your customers are looking for when choosing a facility to house their beloved pup. The top concerns are generally safety, sanitation, and comfort.
Is it safe?
Let’s cover the first concern a dog owner will have when selecting a doggie daycare—is it safe? There are many elements that go into creating a “safe” environment, such as non-slip flooring, solid enclosures, and standard house safety rules. Many dog owners will also look to ensure that their smaller dog is protected from the larger, rougher dogs.
The best way to accomplish this is by choosing a solid wall panel constructed of a strong, durable material like stainless steel. As a daycare owner, you’ll also want to look for options that will stand up to daily wear and tear, selecting an option that is resistant to scratches, moisture, stains, and strong cleaning solutions.
Is it clean?
When handling large amounts of dogs, it’s important that you have a strict and regular cleaning schedule throughout the day. Purchasing kennels that are raised off the floor, made of durable and easy-to-clean stainless steel, offer pull out trays, and are equipped with trench drains that capture and remove urine and other liquids from the cage, are great ways to make cleaning faster and easier, and to have a sparkling clean facility to show-off to potential customers.
Is it comfortable?
Once the basics of safety and sanitation are covered, you’ll want to wow your customers with comfort and beautiful design. Choosing larger kennels that are equipped with basic comforts will let customers know that their pup will feel at ease during the day visit or overnight stay. Customers also like to see cute, thoughtful additions, like an indoor relief station—complete with grass and a fire hydrant—that pups can use as a bathroom when going outdoors isn’t an option.
If you’re getting ready to start your own doggie daycare business or if you’re trying to improve one you already have, make sure you’re selecting durable, attractive equipment that will meet customers’ expectations and make your daily chores easier.
Call an expert at TriStar Vet and let us help you design a system that matches your space, your needs, and your budget.